

VT Markets 官方重要聲明




近期,VT Markets 公司發現有不法分子非法利用“VT Markets”品牌欺騙客戶,VT Markets 強烈譴責此等違法行為,並保留壹切與之相關的法律權限,未免廣大新老用戶權益受損,現聲明如下:

1、 VT Markets 唯壹官方網站:



2、VT Markets APP 官方下載地址

3、VT Markets 不會在客戶出金時,提出交納保證金的要求。

VT Markets特此提醒廣大投資者,涉及您財產安全的問題時,請務必提高警惕,審慎識別,謹防上當受騙!如果您發現任何可疑網站或個人假借VT Markets名義推廣業務,請隨時與我們聯系。



官方郵箱: [email protected]

VT Markets 是受 ASIC 澳洲與 CIMA 開曼雙牌照監管的金融科技類券商,致力於為客戶提供個性化的外匯交易服務。VT Markets 壹直以更具競爭力的極低點差和高效透明的交易環境吸引著全球投資者,並多次榮獲“年度企業卓越獎” “年度創新外匯經紀商”等獎項。

VT Markets 壹路走來累計的口碑來之不易,非常珍惜和感恩所有客戶對 VT Markets 的支持與信任。未來,VT Markets 將會在全新的戰略背景下,繼續通過品牌升級和產品創新,為大家提供更多元化的交易服務!

如您有任何疑問,我們的團隊將十分樂意為您解答。請留言或發郵件至 [email protected] 或聯系在線客服。

Dear Client,

Recently, we discovered that someone is using our brand (“VT Markets”) without authorization, and we have received multiple scam alerts from our clients/partners. We strongly condemn these violations and reserves the right to pursue legal responsibility against this kind of illegal actions.

To protect your account information and fund security, please make sure you read from our official website https://www.vtmarkets.com/ (English) and https://zh.vtmarkets.com/ (Chinese), and only use the QR code here to download our trading APP:

Please also keep in mind that VT Markets will NEVER ask for any fee paid in advance to process your withdrawal request. If you find any suspicious websites/personnel using our brand abusively, let us know immediately by calling 400-120-8948, or emailing [email protected].

VT Markets is a Fintech-oriented Forex broker regulated by ASIC and CIMA, and is committed to provide our clients with top-tier Forex trading services. We always serve investors worldwide with a competitive low-cost products and a secure & transparent trading environment, and has won multiple awards in the past few years.

VT Markets cherishes and thanks all clients for your support and trust in us. we will continue to provide higher-end services through brand upgrades and product innovations in the future.

If you have any questions, our team will be happy to answer your questions.Please leave a message; mail to [email protected].



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